
Welcome! We are happy to see you here on this page, learning more about District 103, which is based in the greater Chicago area: downtown, as well as south and west Chicagoland.  We are one of over 100 Toastmasters Districts around the world. Learn more about Districts below, and we invite you to explore our new website and learn more about D103 specifically.
Sandra Lane, DTM
D103 District Director, 2024-25

The Mission of a Toastmasters District

The District mission is to build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.

The District purpose is to enhance the quality and performance and extend the network of the member clubs of Toastmasters International within the boundaries of the District, thereby offering greater numbers of people the opportunity to benefit from the Toastmasters education program by:

  1. Focusing on the critical success factors as specified by the District educational and membership goals
  2. Ensuring that each club effectively fulfills its responsibilities to its individual members
  3. Providing effective training and leadership-development opportunities for club officers and District leaders


Alignment with Toastmasters International

In Toastmasters, all members are guided by a set of essential core values: integrity, respect, service, and excellence.

These values enable member achievement through club excellence.