


Powered by Momentum, Fueled for Leadership reminds the members of District 103 to continue their upward movement of success. This continuum of success keeps “our foot on the gas” and fuels our members for LEADERSHIP and commands their voices to be heard.


Anniece Anderson
2022 D103 Conference Chair Message!

On behalf of the Planning Committee, I welcome you to your 2022 District 103 Toastmasters hybrid conference, “Powered by Momentum, Fueled for Leadership”! I am Anniece Anderson and I’m so very honored and privileged to have served as your Conference Chair this year. I hope this year’s conference will continue its MOMENTUM to INSPIRE, MOTIVATE, and keep your “Fuel Tanks on Full for Leadership”! We have such an exciting program planned that will be productive as well as fun filled. I would also like to thank our keynote speakers, presenters and all the participants for their contributions which are the foundation of this conference. My personal respect and thanks go out to each of you! Thank you for attending. Let’s keep our foot on the gas!! Have FUN!!! 😊 Stay safe and be well!

District 103 Trio Leadership (2021-2022)

Gregg Thompson, DTM, District Director
Dionne Leggin, TC5, Program Quality Dir.
Sam Sukumar, Program Quality Director, Toastmasters District 103 2022-23
Sam Sukumar, VC5, SR5, Club Growth Dir.

Keynote Speakers

Matt Kinsey, DTM

Matt Kinsey, DTM, Toastmasters International President-Elect 2021-2022, is one of our D103 Toastmasters esteemed keynote speakers for the 2022 annual conference. Matt has held a number of high-profile leadership positions within Toastmasters and has attained the Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) designation—the highest level of educational achievement in the organization. He will commence the Achievers Awards and DTM Ceremony to honor the members of District 103, during the KICK-OFF for the conference, on Friday evening, April 22, 2022 at 7:45 pm CDT. On Saturday, April 23, Mr. Kinsey will bring the leadership keynote message to our members and guests twice, “Are You A Leader” and “From KL to DC.” He will also commence the Installation Ceremony on Saturday at 7:15 pm CDT for our incoming D103 district leadership team for 2022-23.

Ed Tate, CSP

Ed Tate, CSP, is the 2000 World Champion of Public Speaking, and one of our esteemed D103 Toastmasters keynote speakers! Ed is an award-winning international keynote speaker, author, and executive. He is known as “The Speaker Who Energizes, Educates and Entertains.” Ed will be collaborating with fellow keynote speaker Craig Valentine, speaking to all D103 Pathways and DTM Achievers, on opening night, Friday, April 22, 2022 at 7:00 pm CDT. Ed will also give a keynote presentation called, "Get Yes! to Your Request! How to Influence without Authority" on April 23, 2022, from 10:15 am -11:00 am CDT. Also, you cannot miss the Happy Hour with the Champions: Ed Tate and Craig Valentine on Saturday evening, which will involve audience participation and keynote messages from Craig and Ed, from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm CDT.

Craig Valentine, MBA

Craig Valentine, MBA, is the 1999 World Champion of Public Speaking, and also one of our esteemed keynote speakers for the D103 Toastmasters annual conference! Craig is an award-winning speaker and trainer who travels the world helping thousands of individuals and hundreds of organizations reap the profitable rewards that come from presenting with impact and persuading with ease. Craig will be collaborating with fellow keynote speaker Ed Tate on Friday evening, speaking to all D103 Pathways and DTM Achievers on opening night, April 22, 2022 at 7:00 pm CDT. Craig will also be giving a keynote presentation on Saturday, April 23, 2022, from 1:00 pm to 1:45 pm CDT, and as mentioned above, co-hosting Happy Hour with Ed Tate on Saturday eve!

District Conference Greeting 
President-Elect, Matt Kinsey, DTM

The 2022 D103 Annual Toastmasters Conference is all about MOMENTUM,

you do not want to miss!


2022 D103 Conference Emcees!!!

Shanita Akintonde, DTM, Emcee
Robert McKinzie, IP3, Emcee

District 103 Educational Speakers
April 23, 2022

Jerome Rowley, DTM, D103 Preferred Trainer

9:15-10:00 AM CDT
The Big 5 Personality Traits Overview

Melody Byrd, MS3, D103 Preferred Trainer

9:15-10:00 AM CDT
Self-Leadership as a Way of Life

Elizabeth Stevenson, DTM

11:10-11:55 AM CDT
First-Timers Orientation

Chelsea Thomas, LD5, SR1

11:10-11:55 AM CDT
Please Don't Make Me Turn My Camera On!

Derrick Kimbrough, DTM, D103 Preferred Trainer

3:05-3:50 PM CDT
Are You Ready for Your Close Up? A Guide for Leaning into the
Little Leader in You!

Saundra Washington, DTM, D103 Preferred Trainer

3:05-3:50 PM CDT
Best Practices in Pathways: An Interactive Discussion

2022 D103 Toastmasters Annual Conference Agenda

We are looking forward to seeing at this year's D103 Annual Toastmasters Conference. We have a great program for you!!!! We have keynote speakers, educational sessions, speech contests, awards ceremonies, and much more! Please review the 2022 Conference Agenda!


Table Topics Speech Contest

The Table Topics Speech Contest requires great listening skills, and contestants must give a 1-2 minute presentation, speaking off the cuff, from a question given by the Contest Master. Good luck to all the D103 Table Topics Speech Contestants!!!!! Who will be the 2022 Table Topics Speech Contest Winner?! This contest will be taped live on April 16, 2022. Winners will be announced at the viewing on opening night of the annual conference, Friday, April 22 2022, at 8:30 pm CDT.

Register for the conference and receive a Zoom link to attend the LIVE taping of the 
Table Topics and International Speech Contest, on Saturday, April 16, 2022, at 2:00 pm CST
The Table Topics winners will be announced on opening night, Friday, April 22, 2022, and the International Speech winners will be announced on Saturday, April 23, 2022.
(Please note: the Zoom link will be sent to registrants,
when we are close to the date of the contest).

International Speech Contest

The International Speech Contest is the pinnacle of the Toastmasters International contest program!!! Contestants who are competing in the International Speech Contest -- are you ready to give your 5 to 7 minute speech?! This contest will be a live taping on Saturday, April 16, 2022 and viewed during the annual conference on Saturday, April 23, 2022 at 1:55 pm. This recording will be part of the Quarterly Finals for the World Championship of Public Speaking! Find out who will be the winner, on April 23rd!!!!
See you there!!!

Toastmasters International Convention will be held in Nashville, Tennessee
August 17-20, 2022!
For more information, go to the link.

2022 District 103 Toastmasters
Conference Zoom Backgrounds!!!

2022 DTM Ceremony Zoom Background

(*Right click the Zoom background and save to your computer to add when on Zoom during the conference.)



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 #d103toastmasters and #103DistrictTM  

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Conference Chair:
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