“Before I became the first District Director for District 103 Toastmasters, I envisioned implementing a program where we could help our members become a speaker and a trainer. I am proud of our ability to bring the Train-the-Trainer Event into reality. It is a highly anticipated program that teaches our members a transferrable skill they can use for the benefit of their clubs and within their careers.”
– Cassandra Lee, DTM
About the Program
The D103 Train-the-Trainer Event was born out of the necessity to create a qualified pool of trainers who felt comfortable with and could effectively train members and leaders at district-sponsored.
Created upon the foundation of the Toastmasters International Success Communication module “From Speaker to Trainer,” the D103 Train-the-Trainer Event has two unique segments.
How the Program Works
The morning segment covers the module content. Participants learn the five (5) major steps involved in developing and presenting a training program using adult learning principles.
The afternoon segment allows interested members of District 103 Toastmasters – who are members in good standing of clubs in good standing – to demonstrate what they learned from the morning segment.
Members will showcase their training talents by presenting before an audience their very own training program. Successful auditions will recognize members as a D103 Preferred Trainer who is eligible to train at district-sponsored:
- Annual Conferences
- Area and/or Division Council Meetings
- Club Officer Training Events (division-sponsored)
- D103 Webinar Series
- Demonstration Meetings for Forming Clubs
- District Toastmasters Leadership Institutes (TLIs)
- Educational Workshops for Club Meetings
- Other District 103 Educational/Training Events
If you would like to gain the knowledge and learn the specifics to enhance your skills as a trainer, participate in the D103 Train-the-Trainer program. Check the D103 Calendar for the next scheduled event.
District 103 Preferred Trainers
The following District 103 Toastmasters members have been selected as a D103 Preferred Trainer. Feel free to explore the list. Each Preferred Trainer is an expert in various subject matters. Also, each D103 Preferred Trainer can be called upon to be an educational speaker for your club. Reach out to them to schedule a workshop.

Calvin Gibbs, DTM
- Preparation and Practice
- Goal Setting and Planning
- Duties and Responsibilities of Division Director
- Stage Fright – What Are You Afraid of?
- Leadership
- Developing a Personal Growth Plan
- Overcoming Creative Anxiety

Andy Feltovich, ACG, ALB
- The Better Speakers Series
- The Leadership Excellence Series
- Health and Wellness (e.g. sleep, nutrition, exercise)

Ansonia Gibbs, DTM
- Motivating Speakers
- Keeping the Commitment
- Meeting Roles and Responsibilities
- Communication
- Stress Management & Conflict Resolution
- Breathing Techniques
- Vocal Inflection & Specialized: Vocal Health

Julian Wiley, DTM
- Evaluate to Motivate
- Mentoring
- Organizing Your Speech
- Active Listening
- Leadership
- Storytelling & Writing
- FreeToastHost.org for Members & Administrators

Saundra Washington, DTM
- How to Be an Effective Vice President Education in the Age of Pathways
- Duties and Responsibilities of Club President
- Parliamentary Procedures in Action
- Beyond Bullet Points: Secrets of a PowerPoint Power User
- How to Use PowerPoint for Maximum Communication Impact
- Introduction to Visual Literacy
- Basics of Visual Communication

Theresa Banks
- Duties and Responsibilities of Secretary
- Duties and Responsibilities of Sergeant-at-Arms
- Duties and Responsibilities of Vice President Education
- Duties and Responsibilities of Vice President Public Relations
- PowerPoint Pizazz workshop
- Zoom Controls workshop

Cassandra Lee, DTM
- Any Club Officer Role
- Bio vs. Intro: Which Do I Need?
- Make Your Club Visible to the World Using FreeToastHost.org
- Communication & Leadership
- Conflict Resolution
- Public Speaking
- Put on Your R.H.I.N.E.S.T.O.N.E. Combat Boots: 3 Ways to Kickstart Your Career
- Recovering From Loss
- Self-Motivation: The Secret Strategy to Face Your Fear and Do It Anyway
- You Are What You Think! P.O.W.E.R. Strategies to Overcome Negative Thinking

Valerie Smith, DTM
- Mindful Leadership
- How Effective Mind Mapping Can Help Organize Your Speech
- How to Be an Intentional Leader
- How to Be Marketable in the 21st Century
- Social Media 101
- Leaders vs. Managers – How to Lead Talent in the Future

Melody Byrd, IP5
- How to Stay Afloat when the Membership Boat is Sinking
- Preparing to Win your First Speech Contest
- Writing an Evaluation that Rocks!
- How to Communicate When it's Hard
- Bring Yourself to Work and Enjoy it
- Self-Leadership as a Way of Life

Jerome Rowley, DTM
- Developing Communication Styles
- Learn Project Management through Doing a High Performance Leadership (HPL) Project
- Overcoming Your Fear of Speaking a Foreign Language with Tools from Toastmasters
- The Big 5 Personality Trait System and How It Can Help Team Collaboration
- Kanban, Scrum, Lean – Welcome to the World of Agile Project Management
- Living Forward: A Proven System for Setting Goals

Maren Jenkins, ACS, ALB, VC4, IP1
- For members: Pathways Base Camp
- For VPEs/Base Camp Managers: Pathways Base Camp Manager / Toastmasters International Club Central
- FreeToastHost club website platform and web editing
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Microsoft Word
- Editing, copyediting, proofreading

Derrick Kimbrough, DTM
- Duties and Responsibilities of Club President
- Duties and Responsibilities of Club Vice-President of Education
- Evaluate to Motivate
- Keeping That A.C.E. in Your Back Pocket